Monday, July 12, 2010

Look Again by Lisa Scottoline

Lori C is hosting us at the Kernersville Panera Bread at 6:30 on Thursday, July 29th. The book she has selected is: Look Again by Lisa Scottoline.

(Lori, if you want to edit this post and insert the review here..)

The Last Time I Was Me by Cathy Lamb

The first book club meeting
hosted by Lori R. at The Pegg House Tea Room on June 30th.

Mourning the death of her mother, Jeanne Stewart is outraged to find out her boyfriend has been cheating on her. Irate, Jeanne obtains revenge on her live-in lover when she mixes peanut oil that he is allergic to with his condoms. His reaction is to sue her. With her personal life in tatters, her professional life melts also when she suffers a nervous breakdown.

The Last Time I Was Me is a charming character study of a grieving woman using a betrayal to find herself. The story line overall is fun to follow, but at times Jeanne turns chick lit chic responses that feel out of place for her. Still fans will cheer Jeanne on as she seeks to find her misplaced groove.

We had 5 girls at our first meeting on June 30th: Rachel, Jennifer, Tracy, Amber and Lori R.
We ate really good (though a little pricey) food and talked about the basics of our meetings going forward. I've shared all of the info via email but I'll repost it here so we have a record of what we're doing.

As Erin said on the right side of the blog, we'll meet one time every month during the last week from 7:00-9:ish. Date/book/location TBD by hostess. We will rotate/sign up for the month we want to host book club and post info on our blog asap after each meeting to give everybody time to check out/purchase/read the books.

We thought we could share our basic info (either in a private file to be emailed to each member or on the blog?) including: Name, Phone #, Email, Home Address, Bday, Kid's Names/Ages. Also thought it would be interesting to know favorite books/authors and whether or not we have them to share.

We will talk about ratings of each book at our meetings and then post them on our blog so we'll have a record of what we're reading and what we each liked/didn't like about them. This will also give everybody an opportunity to share since lots of us are big talkers (including me) and some of us aren't. I love that Erin posted her review even though she wasn't able to come to the meeting. She still got to read the book, YAY!

And most importantly, we talked about the purpose of our book club. We are a group of women with a lot in common who want to have a monthly "event" to look forward to that's just for us. If you read the book, great! If you don't, great! Please don't ever that that stop you from coming out once a month to talk/eat/laugh and just RELAX with everybody. The goal is to have fun and enjoy a short break that I'm sure we can all use.

Erin- 7.5 I thought this was a fun book with clever "asides"...but some parts of the character/plot were unrealistic.

Lori R.- 7.5 Liked that the people in the anger management group were so broken but they supported/really loved each other. Got a little tired of the constant references to "Slick Dick". Completely agree that the "chick lit chic" was out of place for this author. Her other 2 books, Julia's Chocolates and Henry's Sisters are much better.

Rachel- 7.5 Liked picturing the house. Jeanne (rhymes with Beanie) had faith in the house she was rebuilding, but not in herself. Also enjoyed the relationship with Rosveta (spelling? I don't have the book to refer to any more for names). Thought the trial was too long, dragged out.

Jennifer- 6.5 Thought the author was very funny. Didn't like that Jeanne would be an accessory to murder.

Tracy- 7 Liked Jeanne's confidence. She stood up for herself and she was so "bold". Thought all of the characters evolved too much and too quickly.

Thanks Erin and Tracy

Thanks girls for getting us started. I love the title and our "mission statement" hee hee! I'm not sure how this works exactly but is there a specific section where we list books we like and whether or not we have them to share? Or do we just type it here as a posting? Same for the ratings we do of the books? Sorry I'm not techie at all. Help! Lori R